Warmer climates, like those of South Florida, attract thriving pests. One of the most popular pests infesting lawns is the chinch bug. An infestation can cause major damage to the outdoor area of a property, and it can even completely ruin a lawn. If you do not know how to spot the symptoms of lawn infestation, have no fear. At Manning Pest Control, we can give you the tools to source a chinch bug problem in time to have it taken care of by pest control professionals.
Fast facts about chinch bugs
Scientific name: Blissus leucopterus
Origin: North America
Diet: Herbivores
What exactly is a chinch bug?
Adult chinch bugs are roughly 1/5 of an inch long with black bodies and white wings. Younger chinch bugs, called nymphs, are yellow when they hatch. As the nymphs age, their exterior transitions into a red color. Chinch bugs tend to lay eggs in warmer weather. Eggs will be laid near plant roots, on leaves, or in any sheltered or protected spot that the female chinch bug can find. A female chinch bug can lay up to 500 eggs, and the young will mature in roughly 6 weeks or so.
How can I spot a chinch bug?
In a sea of grass, it may be tough to spot a clear chinch bug infestation. Thankfully, there are tips to keep in mind while inspecting your property. When chinch bugs are present, there tends to be discoloration in certain areas of grass, or patches that have been weakened because of chinch bug damage. To be sure these dry, discolored patches are not just due to dehydration, water these spots. If the grass will not green-up after watering, you may have a chinch bug infestation.
In addition to being visible by way of these discolored patches, chinch bugs can be found near the curb as well as in any shady areas throughout your lawn. Walk slowly through your grass while dragging your feet, and you should see the chinch bugs slip up over your shoes. This way, you can get a good look at them to determine what they are and how advanced the infestation is.
How can I treat my chinch bug infestation?
Once you have determined your lawn is infested with chinch bugs, you should consider professional pest control treatment. Chinch bug elimination is not a simple task, particularly because the bugs tend to grow resistant to all of the treatments designed for extermination. Home remedies will not suffice. Professional chinch bug treatment has a much better chance of success.
If you believe your lawn has a chinch bug infestation contact our team of experts at Manning Pest Control. We can analyze the situation quickly and guide you towards a pest-FREE lawn using our effective and efficient lawn fertilization treatments.