“OUCH! Is that a bug bite?” Every Floridian knows the discomfort that comes with any kind of bug bite. They sting. They itch. They are just plain annoying. By learning about the different pests that bite humans, bite victims can identify proper treatment and preventative tactics. More specifically, Floridians are more likely to see mosquito bites, bed bug bites, and spider bites.
Mosquito Bites
Mosquitoes bite human skin by piercing the location site and injecting saliva into the skin to retrieve blood. The mosquito saliva can trigger a mild immune system reaction that creates the bump and itching sensation experienced by the bite victim. Mosquito bites appear on humans as a puffy white and pink bump, blister, or rash. Young children may have more intense symptoms in response to a mosquito bite, including severe swelling, fever, or swollen lymph nodes. If you are bitten by a mosquito, do NOT scratch the location site. Scratching the affected area will only worsen the bite and make it itch much more. Treat yourself with a non-itching cream when the urge to scratch arises.
Since mosquitoes are common to South Florida, there are a few preventative measures you can take to avoid annoying mosquito bites. Protect yourself from mosquito bites by applying a pest repellent containing DEET every 3 to 4 hours, wearing light-colored clothing, staying indoors during dusk and dawn, and making artificial body odors less appealing.
Bed Bug Bites
Bed bug bites will look red and swollen where the bed bug made visible contact with human skin. They can be found on one’s face, hands, arms, or legs. Typically, bed bug bites are found in clusters. Other South Florida pests, like mosquitoes, will bite sporadically around the body. Those allergic to bed bug bites may notice itching, burning, or blistering around the affected area. If the allergic reaction is severe enough, the bites may turn into blisters or hives. Bed bugs feed during the nighttime only a few times a week, so you may notice symptoms worsening over time.
Most importantly, refrain from scratching the bite marks. Infections, swelling, and bleeding can occur if the affected areas are scratched. If bed bug bite symptoms progress, contact a medical professional immediately.
Spider Bites
When spiders feel threatened, they will use their long fangs to bite down on human skin. Spiders are typically not aggressive; however, their bites can feel and look similar to a bee sting. The spider bite can be characterized by a red rash at the location site, irritating blisters, small bumps, or swollen skin. Widow spiders or reclusive spiders can provoke severe symptoms such as muscle pain, sweating, headache, or fever.
Treatment for a spider bite depends on the spider’s unique species. For the most part, spider bites usually require little or no medical treatment. If you have been bitten by a widow spider or a reclusive spider, you should seek medical attention immediately.
Constantly dealing with bug bites is inconvenient and uncomfortable. Call a team of licensed pest control professionals to eliminate the pest problem infesting your home. For more details on how to rid your property of mosquitoes, bed bugs, or spiders, contact our team of experts at Manning Pest Control.