No matter how large or small, your household pet deserves protection from common South Florida pests. Springtime intensifies the number of insects that can be a nuisance to us and our furry friends, making your pets vulnerable to an infestation. More specifically, seasonal pests can plague our pets that spend a lengthy amount of time outdoors. When traditional insect repellent methods are not available to treat pests, try these simple tips to protect your pet from fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.
Grooming is your friend
You might think shampooing or trimming your pet’s fur coat may be for vanity, but these grooming methods can protect your pet from pests. Insects seek shelter in tight, shaded, warm areas. An outgrown, messy coat on a pet can attract pests. Make routine pet grooming a habit. A thorough shampoo, which includes scrubbing excessive skin and wrinkles, will ensure all outdoor dirt and smells are keeping your pet fresh and pest-FREE. In addition, sanitize any open wounds on your pet, as certain pests are attracted to blood.
Inspect your property
Do not assume your indoor or outdoor area is always safe for pets. Pests can hide away in carpeting, behind furniture or appliances, and inside miscellaneous nooks and crannies throughout your home. Thoroughly vacuum, scrub, and sanitize problem areas in your house on a regular basis. Outside your home, rid the ground of standing water and leftover winter debris. These areas can be breeding grounds for unwanted South Florida pests.
Monitor outdoor playtime
Some pests, like mosquitoes, are most active at sunrise and sundown. Be sure to keep an eye on your pet if you take him or her outside and maintain playtime in open areas where piled debris is not present.
Check your pet’s coat
Pests like fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes can easily find themselves nesting beneath your pet’s coat. These pests are quite small, allowing their presence to go unnoticed on your pet. Check your pet’s coat frequently to make sure there are not any small, black pests invading his or her fur coat. Additionally, your pet may let you know they are plagued by pests when they excessively lick or scratch certain areas.
If you find pests on your pet, remove them immediately. According to the American Kennel Club, “Using a pair of tweezers is the most common and effective way to remove a tick. But not just any tweezers will work. Most household tweezers have large, blunt tips. You should use fine-point tweezers, to avoid tearing the tick and spreading possible infections into the bite area. Spread your dog’s fur, then grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible. Very gently, pull straight upward, in a slow, steady motion.”
It is never too late to keep your pets safe from household pests. Contact Manning Pest Control at (954) 772-3077 for more information on protecting your furry friends from unwanted South Florida pests.