Chinch bugs are tiny pests that can destroy your entire yard if they are not addressed by a commercial pest exterminator. It is crucial to learn as much as you can about chinch bugs to ensure they do not destroy your lawn. Continue reading to see why commercial pest extermination near Fort Lauderdale is necessary to get rid of a chinch bug problem.
They are hard to see.
Chinch bugs grow to be 1/5 of an inch in length, which makes them incredibly difficult to spot. Their mature bodies are black with white wings. Chinches will start out yellow after hatching, and then they will turn red and black as they mature. Due to their small size and living habits, they are difficult to spot. You can crawl through the grass or your plants and still not see a chinch, but you will likely notice the damage to your lawn.
They are easier to detect.
While you may not see chinch bugs right away, you will likely see the yellow patches of grass throughout your lawn. Chinch bugs typically attack St. Augustine grass and Zoysia grass by sucking nutrients from the grass blades and injecting a poison that kills the blades. This feeding habit will kill your grass in patches or in its entirety. If you see your grass dying in patches, as if it is suffering from a drought, then give it extra water. If the grass does not recover, then you likely have an infestation of chinch bugs.
They are difficult to eliminate.
Chinch bugs are difficult for an untrained exterminator to eliminate. These bugs have grown a resistance to various pest control chemicals, so it is important to work with a qualified pest control company to ensure the right techniques and chemicals are used to eliminate your chinch bug problem. A professional pest exterminator can examine your lawn to determine if you have a problem with chinches, and then he can use the proper methods to eliminate the chinches and any other lawn pest problems.